About Us
The Colorado Thirty Group was formed in 1978 with approximately thirty participants representing leaders who were either chairman or presidents of their businesses or civic leaders of substance. The group is broadly representative of those throughout the State of Colorado who will play significant roles in decision making in the State in the future. Participants include representatives from industry, leading area non-profits, and civic leaders from communities around the state.
The Colorado Thirty Group has grown to over one hundred fifty participants from across the entire state of Colorado who have a concern for the national security policy of the United States and have a willingness to spend time and effort to gain additional information on defense issues and the concerns of local military installations. The Colorado Thirty Group works closely with Colorado area commanders to assist them in fulfilling their missions and roles by creating better understanding and education between military and civilian leadership throughout Colorado through frequent meetings, briefings, and visitations.
Over the years, the Colorado Thirty Group has been honored to receive high ranking individuals which have included hosting NATO’s Secretary General, Lord Carrington, Crown Prince Henri of Luxembourg, Prince Bandar, Saudi Arabia Ambassador to USA, and Secretaries of Defense, Frank Carlucci, Richard Cheney and Donald Rumsfeld. Additionally, the Group has visited most US military installations to include Alaska, Canada and Panama, and has been the Guest of Supreme Allied Commander Europe three times. The Group travels to Washington, D.C., periodically to receive briefings from senior leaders in the Department of Defense, Administration officials, and members of Congress.
The Colorado Thirty Group is recognized by the Internal Revenue Service as a 501(c)(3) non-profit corporation.
Participation is by invitation only and participants are entrusted with communicating between local Colorado communities and our national military to ensure good relations and provide a supportive environment for all.